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A Historic Timeline of Brazil part II

A Historic Timeline of Brazil
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Foundation of Salvador Bahia

  • Tomé de Souza is the first Governor General of Salvador
  • First black slaves in Bahia
  • First Jesuits settle in Bahia

Beginning of the sugar cane industry

  • In addition, the first cattle and horses were introduced in Brazil

Don Pero Fernandez

  • Elected first bishop of Brazil

Duarte da Costa

  • Elected as second Governor of Brazil

Foundation of São Paulo

  • The Jesuits found the city.

Guanabara Bay

  • The French build Fort Coligny in Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, they try to colonize again in the Sao Paulo region.
  • The Tupiniquins Indians fight against the Portuguese.

Guanabara Bay

  • In Rio de Janeiro, the Portuguese fight the French.

The search for gold

  • The Portuguese start searching for gold in the interior.
  • Portuguese offensive in Bahia against the Tupiniquins

Destruction of Fort Coligny

  • The Portuguese destroy the fort and the French flee to the Tamoio Indians.
  • The vine comes to Brazil.

Tupiniquins Indians

  • Are defeated by the Portuguese in Salvador

The pox

  • The pox epidemic kills half of Brazil's indigenous population.

Peace and War

  • Although peace has been established between the Portuguese and Tamoio Indians, the Aimores begin hostilities with the Portuguese.

Foundation of Rio de Janeiro

  • Foundation of Rio de Janeiro by the Jesuits and Estácio de Sá. Rio serves as an important base against the French.

Retreat from Guanabara

  • Final withdrawal of the French from Guanabara after further fighting against the Portuguese
  • Further expeditions into the interior by Luis Martins and Brás Cubas

Sugar cane

  • Sugar cane becomes an important economic stream in Brazil, exported with the help of Dutch capital and slave labor.

Death of Mem de Sá

  • After the death of the Portuguese governor, the administration of Brazil is divided between two seats of government, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro.
  • The new governor of Salvador becomes Luis de Brito

Additional cultivation of tobacco and cotton

  • The government is again transferred to a seat in Salvador.
  • In addition to sugar cane, tobacco and cotton are now also grown.


Inquisition also enters Brazil through the Bishop of Salvador.

Quiilombos,Conquests and slavery

  • Runaway slaves find refuge in quilombos. Quilombo de Palmares is mentioned here.
  • Conquest of Paraiba
  • Slave traders raid Jesuit missions to enslave Indians


  • The sugar industry in Brazil is flourishing.
  • Brazil is governed by an administration body
  • English corsairs bombard Salvador
  • Further battles and conquests of Indian territories

Gold and Sugarcane

  • Gold is found in the Iguape River and Curitiba is founded
  • Sugar production in Brazil and the Dutch Antilles is at its peak and can meet Europe's annual demand for the next 2 centuries. This brings great wealth to both the Portuguese and the Dutch.

Indians strike back and Philip III.

  • The Aimores Indians strike back and attack the Portuguese at the Paraguazu River.
  • Phillip III becomes King of Spain and Portugal

The Dutch attack

  • The Dutch attack Salvador, but are repulsed. The Dutch threaten the monopoly of the Portuguese in the slave trade
  • Natal is founded


  • Portuguese regain monopoly over slave trade by Spanish Crown

Indian hunting in the backcountry

  • The explorer Nicolau Barreto starts his expeditions to hunt the Indians.

Government split again.

  • The French explore the mouth of the Amazon River.
  • There are again 2 governors in Brazil. Diogo Meneses rules in Salvador and Francisco de Souza in Rio de Janeiro.


  • Ceará is founded and the French settle in Maranhão
  • Salvador Bahia is again attacked by the French.
  • The Portuguese are worried about the French presence in Maranhão and therefore build the port of Camocim

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