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What is the CPF – Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas ?

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Everyone who has been traveling in Brazil for some time, knows someone with Brazilian roots, or is involved in a relationship, will sooner or later come into contact with the CPF.

But what exactly is the CPF? For whom is it relevant and do I need a CPF when I am in Brazil?

All these questions and more we try to answer here and give you a good insight. The Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) is a database managed by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB), which stores information about taxpayers who are obliged to register with the CPF, or about citizens who have registered voluntarily.

The main function of the CPF is to identify taxpayers for income tax purposes. At the age of 12 Brazilians must have their own CPF in order to be included in their parents’ tax returns. But if you think that the CPF number, which is 11 digits, is only needed for the universally hated tax return, you are wrong.

If you want to participate in a public job competition and apply for a position. This means if you want to do public work such as a police officer, a civil servant in the municipality,…This is also required for enrollment at the university. In addition, a CPF is required if you wish to open a bank account, apply for a credit card or purchase specific goods in Brazil.

For someone visiting Brazil as a tourist, the CPF is not required.

Now it is obvious that the CPF is not necessary for someone from abroad if he is in the country as a tourist.

However, the CPF is relevant for foreigners who want to work in the country or buy something, for example, a vacation home.

Without this hardly anything goes here. It is also necessary if you want to get an identity card, the so-called RNE or new CRNM (Carteira do Registro Nacional por Migrantes).

CPF for foreigners

Anyone who decides to apply for a CPF for various reasons cannot avoid the Receita Federal of the Ministerio da Economia. This is the name of the department which is responsible for the topics around the CPF.

Under the following link: Inscrição CPF Estrangeiro you can apply for such a CPF also for a foreigner.

How to proceed

STEP 1: fill out internet application form and prepare documents

Information about process and links

  • Fill out the online form see link CPF Estrangeiro
  • Needed documents:
    • ID with photograph
    • Birth certificate or marriage certificate, if the official identification document presented does not show the place of birth, parentage and date of birth
    • Voter’s registration card or document proving electoral registration (mandatory for those over 18 and under 70). Remark: not needed for foreigners as they do not have the right to vote

Documentation for under 16 and 16-17 as well as by proxy are not mentioned here for simplicity but are available under the link information about process and links.

The documents presented on paper at the service units must be originals or certified copies.

STEP 2: Payment of service fee

  • Before making an appointment to pick up the CPF at the Receita federal, a service fee of BRL 7.00 is due at one of the following locations:

Annotation: The first time I dealt with an office, I was struck by the marathon of bureaucracy in brazil and, above all, the somewhat complicated process of certain steps in different places for one goal.

The last time I experienced it was just a few days ago in connection with another issue. But more about that in another place. The question is why do I have to pay a service fee for the issuance of a CPF document at another location? However, this is often the case, especially when you need something from the public offices.

The CPF document is definitely one of them. The mentioned places are officially recognized places that accept the payment and then also confirm it by means of a receipt which must then be presented to the Federal Tax Service “Receita Federal” when collecting the CPF document.

Step 3: Present documentation at Federal Tax Service “Receita Federal”

  • In cases where the completion of the electronic form or the service provided by an entity under an agreement results in the issuance of a benefit protocol, submit the created protocol and the required documents listed in the step above to the Federal Tax Service.
  • An appointment can be made via the following link. Due to the current situation regarding the pandemic, nothing can be done today without a prior appointment, either via the website or by phone.
  • If the documentation has been submitted remotely, the progress of the registration application can be tracked via the log number of the service performed at a partner facility or via the Internet application. See the following link

Step 4: Get the CPF

Get your CPF card (proof of enrollment) in digital format (CPF Digital) or for printing (in PDF).

Attention! The physical CPF card (blue plastic card) is no longer issued. The printed registration vouchers and the Digital CPF have the same legal value.

Normally, the CPF document is created when the appointment is made. But that was before the exhibition was still issued in physical form. Here you should find out about the receipt of the digital card just during the appointment at the Federal Tax Service.

Important insight and tips in conclusion

If you organize yourself well enough in advance, the handling of a 2-3 week stay in Brazil is quite feasible. Again, the CPF document is not relevant for tourists. This document is only helpful or even necessary for people with a stronger connection to Brazil. We are talking about people who want to study, work or live in Brazil. It is also necessary when opening a banking relationship or buying a property (not an exhaustive list).

Important tip: Even if in Brazil one prefers the stylistic and ergonomic preference of shorts, Bermudas, Flipflops, Havaianas, and or Jesus sandals to demonstrate one’s nicely tanned legs, this is not advisable when visiting the Receita Federal. You won’t even get to the entrance of the office. Shorts are forbidden for men. You have to follow the dress code here. Long legwear is the order of the day here, the Brazilian authorities are not interested in muscular calves or waxed leg grooming.

Additionally, be prepared for longer waiting times than indicated on the website, not only for Receita Federal and CPF, but for all public offices and applications.

Really the highest of the feelings is to do 2 activities in one day in the public office area. We have just experienced in the last 3 weeks every day. In this context, also here as in other countries also advised never to lose your composure. You can be quite polite and determined to occur if something is not in order or you do not get to the goal accordingly. One has to do it here with official government offices and officials. In Brazil it is also true, with politeness you get much further and good things come in threes.

Now besides the reasons already mentioned at the beginning which speak for a CPF, I would like to write about the application for the RNE/CRNM in one of the next upcoming posts.

Source by Dindu

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